Monday, February 21, 2011

Ready to roll

Caleb has learned to roll over from his back to his tummy! He wont even stay on his back, but once he gets on his stomach you can tell he wants to roll back but doesnt quite have the hang of it yet. He is also sitting up without help very well now. He is not able to do it for a long time, but he definitely is well on his way.  He will be 5 months in 2 days... so there will be pictures to come. Until then, enjoy the video of my little man rolling over


  1. Way to go Caleb. That onesie(sp) looks fimiliar. :)

  2. Katie... he is getting sooo big! Crazy how just 4 days ago when I saw you guys he was trying but still not getting it and bam... 3 days later he can do it. They are learning and growing so fast. I love the video!

  3. I know! He figured it out yesterday and now he doesnt it like he has been doing it forever!

  4. He is getting so big! Auntie Kristin misses him!
